Many of the following articles are from Tim’s feature column Expert Advice in The Advocate, the Kentucky Justice Association’s magazine for trial lawyers or papers published for legal continuing education speaking engagements
Trucking cases are different beasts. Tractor- trailers are colossal machines. Eighty thousand pounds of steel-encased force can be very dangerous things—especially when hurling at 75 miles per hour.
Automobile and truck wreck cases typically share at least one thing in common—the road. Beyond that, they are very different. Because of extensive state and federal regulation of the trucking indust
Proving that someone is hurt is often easier than proving how someone got hurt. Creative defense counsel can muddy what may otherwise seem?to be clear liability cases with causation issues, potentiall
Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of chemical, physical or biological agents on living organisms and the ecosystem. It also includes?the prevention and amelioration of those adverse effec
A Mantra of this column, and reality of litigation, is that experts can make, and break, our cases. Conducting the discovery deposition of an opposing expert witness is a critic
Trucking cases are different beasts. Tractor-trailers are colossal machines. Eighty Thousand pounds of steel encased force can be very dangerous things… especially when hurling at 75 miles per h
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (the “FMCSA”) promulgates regulations applicable to both the trucking and motorcoach industries[i]. It is important to remember that these regulatio
Sprains, pains, bruises, cuts, abrasions, and?other obvious injuries are readily diagnosed ?after trauma. Brain injury, however, can easily?go undetected. Whether an accident is minor or major, trauma
Automobile and trucking accident cases typically share at least one thing in common – the road. Beyond that, they are very different. Because of extensive State and Federal regulation of the truckin